Find out how the main trainee programs work and get ready!

Have you ever wondered how trainee programs work? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about here! However, in order to reach the end of this post knowing everything about this type of process, you must first understand exactly what a trainee is.

Basically, a trainee is a person who undergoes training that seeks to prepare him to be a leader. Attention: contrary to what many people think, a trainee program is different from an internship, ok?

Although both focus on young people, the trainee selection processes open space for recent graduates and are much more discerning. In addition, a trainee selection process aims to screen those most talented, prepared and potential young people so that, in the future, they will be able to lead teams.

Want to understand even more about how it all works? So just keep reading!

What are the benefits of trainee programs?

Being a trainee in a large organization is an excellent opportunity for those who are just beginning their careers. If there is support from a university then even better! In this way, young people can combine academic learning with training and practical experience provided by the company.

Here are some of the main advantages of going through a trainee program!

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Having the possibility to try different areas of the company through job rotation , the trainee gains clarity on which path to follow, in addition to discovering and developing skills and talents.


Participants in trainee programs are seen within organizations as promising young people. Therefore, the work developed is respected and has high visibility.


One of the greatest difficulties faced at the beginning of any career is often the building of relationships – especially with company managers. Because in a trainee program, this networking happens from the beginning!


A trainee program is one of the main paths for those who want to accelerate their careers. After all, everything happens in a very agile and dynamic way in this type of preparation, making the young person accumulate a lot of experience in a short time.

How do trainee programs work?


As much as each process is unique and has its own rules and selection criteria, some steps are often repeated. This is the case, for example:

  • of registration;
  • of online assessments, with English tests and logical thinking;
  • of group dynamics, which can be in person or online;
  • of the business panel;
  • of the final interview.

In general, this entire process takes 2 to 3 months, although some companies extend it to a longer period.


The most common requirements are:

  • year of formation and undergraduate course;
  • proficiency in English or some other language;
  • availability of travel.


The initial phases tend to be more technical, with curriculum evaluation and tests. In the advanced stages, which are based on a behavioral assessment, the most important factors are motivation and, of course, competences.

What are the types of trainee programs?

The general objective of the various trainee programs is the same: to develop young people, preparing them to assume leadership or prominent roles within the company. But the biggest difference from one company to the next is in the type of program. Know the main modalities to follow!

Corporate trainee

These are the most traditional programs on the market, which select professionals in the last year of graduation or who have graduated in up to 2 years. Although not a rule, they usually give priority to those who have studied Administração, Eng Engenharia, Economics, Marketing and International Relations.

This type of process seeks talent for the corporate areas, developing a more general view of the business. As an example, we can cite the trainee program Unilever .

Specialist trainee

This type of program focuses on technical development in areas such as technology or Engineering. The intention is for young people to specialize as much as possible in a specific sector. As examples, we have Embraer’s Engineering Specialization Program (PEE) and Ambev’s industrial trainee .

Executive trainee

The executive trainee is considered a senior version of the trainee programs. In this case, instead of focusing on recently graduated professionals, the demand is for those who have 2 to 5 years of profession. Experience in the area is essential. Being in an MBA or post-graduation is different.

In this trainee mode, the professional already starts in a managerial role. From there, he is trained to occupy even higher positions. Examples of companies with this type of program are Johnson & Johnson, Oi, Pepsico and BRF.

Store trainee

This type of program trains store managers for large retail chains. Examples of companies with this type of program are Renner and Riachuelo.

What to do to stand out in the selection process?

Study at a good university

As the university is the gateway to the trainee programs, this factor has great weight in the selection process. Depending on the student’s planning, it is worth even changing institutions during the course to increase your chances.

Get to know the company

For the hiring organization, it is essential that the candidate knows the business. Then do your homework, studying the company thoroughly. Try not only to know the history, but also to follow the news about the institution.

Build an interesting curriculum

Many people think that, because they have no professional experience, they do not need to develop a curriculum. Nothing like that! On the contrary, take advantage of your luggage from studies, internships or even volunteer work, putting everything on paper to make the interviewer want to know more about you.

Prepare for the interview

The interview is a crucial step in the trainee selection process. So don’t underestimate the importance of this conversation, okay? To show interest, prepare not only more elaborate answers but also questions and doubts to be clarified.

Train your logical thinking

It is common for trainee programs to apply logical reasoning tests to filter candidates. Thinking about it, practice now! You can play chess and practice sudoku, for example, in addition to doing logic tests.

Actively participate in the dynamics

In this type of selection process, companies use the most varied group dynamics, from board games to debates on current issues. The important thing is that you are present in all of them, having an active participation and demonstrating leadership skills.

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Capriche in presentations

It is more than normal to be nervous when speaking in public – and the superiors who select candidates know this very well. To minimize this nervousness, how about training presentations to get more prepared if you have to communicate in front of your competitors?

Don’t pretend to be who you are not

In an eagerness to stand out, many candidates try to convey a different impression of their personality on a daily basis. But those who have already been approved guarantee: this type of behavior is a true shot in the foot, showing insecurity.

Take care not to run over colleagues

Since leadership skills are highly encouraged in these processes, some people end up talking too much and even interrupting their colleagues. Keep in mind that this attitude is seen as negative, since listening is also essential.

Avoid companies you don’t admire

One of the main points highlighted by those who have already done well in trainee processes is the choice of opportunities. In practice, the candidate’s chances increase significantly when he chooses companies with which he identifies, sharing values ​​and objectives.

As you saw in this post, success in a trainee program starts from the choice of the university and goes to the preparation of the candidate for the selection process. But don’t get discouraged along the way! Remember that this choice can yield great results for your career.

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